Mervart, Jan

Karel Kosík as a Public Intellectual of the Reform Years


As a key figure of the Czech humanist Marxism of the 1960s, Karel Kosik belonged to the most influential personalities of his era. His Dialectics of the Concrete that was published at the beginning of the delayed Czechoslovak de-Stalinization (1963) was not only an interesting contribution to the Marxist thought, but it was also [read more]

Min, Anselm

The Dialectic of Concrete Totality in the Age of Globalization: KarelKosik’sDialectics of the Concrete Fifty Years Later


When the Dialectics of the Concrete was first published in 1963, it was rightly hailed as one of the finest critical syntheses of Hegel, Marx, and Heidegger, perhaps comparable to Georg Lukac’sHistory and Class Consciousness, a comprehensive restatement of historical materialism [read more]

Ollman, Bertell

The Relation of Kosik’s Dialectical Philosophy to Marx’s Dialectical Method: Where to Begin and Why Does that Matter?


While the DIALECTICS OF THE CONCRETE tries to bring out the internal relations between ontology, epistemology, inquiry, exposition and praxis in Marxism, Kosik’s chief emphasis is on ontology and its influence on these other aspects of Marx’s method. But if all these aspects are internally related, one could, in principle, [read more]

Qian, Ouyang

Karel Kosik and “philosophy of man”


In Dialectics of the Concrete, Kosik reintroductes the dialectics of concrete totality(“philosophy of man”) as the kernel of Marxism in order to opposes the orthodox soviet Marxism-Leninism. In other words, he try to create an Marxism with a human face. According to Kosik, “Philosophy in the true meaning of the word is always
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Perelman, Marc

Art between reflection and project


Unlike Karl Marx, the questions relative to the art were more treated in Karel Kosik’s Dialectics of Concrete. But as Marx the analysis of the art to Kosik is profoundly connected to their dialectical thought which treats art not as only representation or illustration of the reality. Because it is a method of thought, the implemented dialectic [read more]

Profant, Martin

Herbert Marcuse’s and Karel Kosík’s Heideggerian Marxism – one title for two different matters


Kosík’s Dialectics of the Concrete admits thematically and terminologically strong inspiration by Heidegger’s philosophy from era of Sein und Zeit. In essays from second half of sixties and nineties is provable inspired reading of Heidegger’s later works. Therefore analogically to Herbert Marcuse is Kosík sometimes mentioned as [read more]

Rockmore, Tom

Kosik, Lukács and the Thing in Itself


Engels, who appears to take Marx and Marxism as synonymous terms, asserts but does show that Marx and/or Marxism solve the main problems of German Idealism. This point is later argued in detail by Lukács and by Korsch. In History and Class Consciousness, Lukács famously claims that Marxism solves the unsolved problem of the [read more]