Huang, Jifeng

“Concrete Totality” and “Structuralist Totality”. The comparison of Kosik and Althusser’s explanation on the Marx’s Theory of History


Karel Kosik interprets the reality as the “structural, evolving, self-forming whole” by “concrete totality” in his work Dialectics of the concrete, and he bases this standpoint to explain the Marx’s theory of history. So there is a sharply contrast between the Kosik’s explanation on the Marx’s theory of history and the Louis Althusser’s explanation in [read more]

Kunešová Tereza

The Reception and Critique of Kosík´s Dialectics of the Concrete in Czechoslovakia between 1963 and 1969


In my talk I would like to acquaint the audience with responses to Karel Kosík’s most influential work – The Dialectics of the Concrete. I will direct my attention to responses published in the former Czechoslovakia by philosophers and other thinkers between years 1963 and 1969 with emphasis on journals Filosofický časopis, [read more]

Kužel, Petr

The World of the Pseudoconcrete, Ideology and Theory of the Subject


The aim of this paper is to explore the links between Kosík’s conception of the pseudoconcrete and Althusser’s conception of the ideology. According to Kosík a phenomenal forms of reality are “diverse and often contradict to law of the phenomenon, the structure of the things.” This collection of phenomena that penetrate [read more]

Landa, Ivan

Labour and Struggle for Recognition: Kosík´s Concept of Praxis


The aim of this paper is to inquire into the principles of Kosík´s social ontology, which he sketched in his book Dialectics of the Concrete. The central question of this book concerns the elementary structure of social reality and the way how it is produced. [read more]

Li, Baowen

Karel Kosik’s Realism thought and its philosophical significance


In study of philosophy, the problems of man and world are the basic one. In dialectics of the concrete, KarelKosik attempted to apply the thought of Marx’s materialist dialectic to answer the question. However, the crux of the matter is how to illuminate the problems of man and world is the dialectic?
[read more]

Löwy, Michael

Spirit of Resistence. Brief notes for an intellectual biography of Karel Kosik


Karel Kosik was not only one of the most important philosophers of the second half of the 20th century, but one of those that better embodied the spirit of resistance of critical thought. He is also one of the few that fought, in their succession, the three great forces of oppression of modern history: Fascism, during the 1940’s, Stalinism, after 1956, and the dictatorship of the Market, after 1989. At a time when so many thinkers gave up their autonomy, Kosik stands up, refuses to surrender, and doesn’t hesitate to think against the current. [read more]

Lunić, Anita

Gramsci’s and Kosik’s notions on Philosophy of praxis revisited


In July-August 1967 issue of Yugoslav philosophical magazine Praxis Karel Kosik has published a short article titled »Gramsci i filozofija praxisa« (»Gramsci and the philosophy of praxis«). Even though Kosik has mentioned him in the title, Gramsci’s name appears just three times in the article, all of which in the introductory paragraph. In the [read more]